Legal provisions governing the establishment, Composition and Jurisdiction of the High court

Explain the legal provisions governing the establishment, Composition and Jurisdiction of the High court

Establishment of the high court.

The High court is established by Section 165 (1) of the Constitution. It ranks below the Court of Appeal.

Composition of the High Court

  • The High Court shall consist of the number of judges prescribed by an Act of Parliament.
  • There shall be a Principal Judge of the High Court who shall be elected by the judges of the High Court from among themselves.


  • The High Court shall have unlimited original jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters.
  • Jurisdiction to determine the question whether a right or fundamental freedom in the bill of rights has been denied, violated, infringed or threatened.
  • Jurisdiction to hear any question in respect of the interpretation of the constitution.
  • Any other jurisdiction, original or appellate, conferred on it by legislation

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