“For any manager to be effective in the change process, he must own the process” Discuss this statement with regard to a manger as an agent of change

The role of the manager as an agent of change
”For any manager to be effective in the change process, he” must own the process”
i) Provide information in advance: i.e. the reason for change, its nature, timing and impact on both the organization and the individual.
ii) Encourage participation: If subordinate participation is encouraged in establishing the change, they will support change.
iii) Guarantees against loss: Give truthful guarantees that there will be no lay offs or pay reductions as a result of the changes.
iv) Make only necessary changes: Don’t make changes for the sake of change; every change introduced must be justified.
v) Build trust: If a manager is trusted by employees’ resistance is likely to be less.
vi) Counseling: This will not only prevent rebellion but have some chance of stimulating voluntary adaptation.
vii) Allow for negotiation: Allow employees and managers to give their views and come to a consensus.
viii) Maintain useful customs and informal relationships: when possible changes could be made to coincide with the culture and personnel within the organization.

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