Fiscal Drag

Fiscal drag is an economics term referring to a situation where a government’s net fiscal position (equal to its spending less any taxation) does not meet the net savings goals of the private economy. This can result in deflationary pressure attributed to either lack of state spending or to excess taxation. One cause of fiscal

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“The nature of strategic management differs according to the type of organizations.Discuss this statement with respect to the following types of organizations:Public sectororganizations

Although the elements of strategic management are broadly the same irrespective of the type of organization or its context, the range and nature of strategic issues does to some extent differ according to the organization type and its context. In other words, it would be wrong to assume that, for example, all the elements of

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“The nature of strategic management differs according to the type of organizations.Discuss this statement with respect to the following types of organizations: Non-profit organizations

Strategic management in the voluntary and not-for-profit sector As with public sector organizations, it is important to recognize that this sector contains many different varying types of organization. However, it is again possible to generalize regarding the extent to which there are differences regarding the nature of strategic management in such organizations. One of the

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Outsourcing some of an organisation’s operations could lead to increased productivity.” Discuss

Outsourcing some of an organization’ operation could lead to increased productivity” Summary of key benefits: • More focus on core business • Flexibility to expand and reduce services in line with demand • Reduction in cost of network ownership • Contractual service level agreements • Reach new markets and customers • Immediate access to new

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“Explain the factors that are considered in the design of an organization structure

Factors in the Design of an Organization Structure A basic design challenge involves deciding how much authority to centralize at the top of organizations and how much to decentralize to middle and lower levels. An organization’s hierarchy begins to emerge when the organization experiences problems in coordinating and motivating employees. These problems lead to organizations:

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The primary purpose of performance measurement is to measure how well an organization or department is accomplishing its mission, goals and objectives. Describe the steps to be followed in the implementation of a performance measurement system in an organization

Steps in the implementation of a performance measurement system in an organization Performance is an important part of any measurement based management system. Before you start, your organization should establish a core team to carry the performance measurement system design process forward. Though the system is never finished, it should take only a year or

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Identify and explain the characteristics of an effective management information system

Characteristics of an effective management system A management information system (MIS) provides managers with information that supports effective decision making and provides feedback on daily operations The use of MISs spans all levels of management Fixed format, standard reports Hard-copy and soft-copy reports Uses internal data User-developed reports Users must request formal reports from IS

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Benchmarking can provide a company with a continuous and competitive advantage if it is used effectively. Describe the various types of benchmarking and Highlight the advantages of benchmarking

Various Types of Benchmarking: Benchmarking is a very versatile tool that can be applied in a variety of ways to meet a range of requirements for improvement. Different terms are used to distinguish the various ways of applying benchmarking. The first word in each term relates to either the type of partner or the purpose

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