Animal Production II June-July 2013 Past Question Paper

Animal Production II June-July 2013 Past Question Paper – KNEC Diploma

This Past Paper examination was examined by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) and it applies to the following courses

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3 hours

Animal Production II June/July 2013

Answer Any Five Out of the following Eight Questions

1. (a) Highlight any four signs of a healthy bird. (4 marks)
(b) Describe piglet rearing under the following management operation:
(i) iron injection;
(ii) tail docking
(iii) identification; (16 marks)
(iv) weaning.

2. (a) Tab le 1 below shows area of floor space and length of feeding trough required for growing finishing pigs in solid floor housing. Study the table and answer the question below:

(i) Calculate the floor area required by 200 pigs weighing an average of 17kg live mass and another group of 200 pigs weighing an average of 80kg.
(ii) Calculate the average length of trough for 1000 pigs weighing 47 kg and another group of 1000 pigs weighing 85kg. Give your answer in metres.
(b) Describe any six characteristics of a pig house.

3. (a) Describe fowl pox disease under the following:
(i) aetiology;
(ii) transmission
(b Highlight any six disease of poultry other than fowl pox that birds should be inoculated against

4. Describe adaptations of camel to desert conditions. (20 marks)

5. Describe any five management techniques for increasing the productivity of a fish pond. (20 marks)

6. Discuss feeding of drought animals under the following
a) Size and age.
b) Forage quality for drought animals;
c) Feeding time;
d) Energy and protein supplements. (20marks)

7. Compare extensive and intensive systems of management stating advantages and disadvantages of each. (20 marks)

8.(a) Describe the characteristics of a typical East African Donkey. (10 marks)
(b)Describe the training of a working donkey. (10 marks)

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