Review Questions

Review Questions

  1. Discuss four legal provisions of audit under Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act (PPADA 2015)
  2. List four persons who cannot be appointed as an auditor
  3. Discuss reasons why an auditor might be asked to step down
  4. Outline five rights of auditors
  5. Discuss five duties of an auditor
  6. Explain the procedures that a proposed auditor must undertake before accepting nomination
  7. Discuss the role of international standards in procurement audit
  8. Discuss the role of international standards in procurement risk management
  9. Discuss five Sources of knowledge of the clients that the procurement auditor would use when conducting audit
  10. Discuss the importance of the procurement auditor understanding the business and using this information appropriately
  11. Explain five key considerations that a procurement audit would take into account before accepting procurement audit task
  12. Discuss the fundamental principles of procurement auditing
  13. A procurement auditor must not only be independent, but must be seen to be
    1. Comment on that statement
    2. Explain the importance of procurement auditor being independent
    3. Discuss the five threats a procurement auditor faces in the process of being
    4. Identify five ways to a procurement auditor may safeguard his independence
  14. Discuss the importance of audit engagement letter
  15. Mention five principal contents of an engagement letter

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